Frequently asked questions
Here is the list of the most frequently asked questions.
If you have a question about the UrgoTouch ® laser for which you can not find an answer, you can contact us in the section contact us.
If you have a question about your operation or scar, we would advise you to ask your surgeon, who is more suited to answer your medical question.
UrgoTouch ®
The UrgoTouch ® Laser
What is the difference between a flashlight and a laser ?
Flashlights are mainly used for depilatory procedures. Laser treatments have a wider medical use and are strictly reserved for healthcare professionals, because they need medical knowledge and specific training.
I am a minor. Can I undergo the UrgoTouch ® treatment ?
There is no contraindication to benefit from UrgoTouch ® treatment as a minor. However, UrgoTouch ® should not be used: On pregnant women; on lactating women, on breast area; on infants and children under 2 years of age. In the absence of clinical data, UrgoTouch ® is not recommended for children and teenagers.
I am pregnant. Can I undergo the UrgoTouch ® treatment ?
UrgoTouch ® should not be used on pregnant women but can be used for the c-section scar.
What is the price of UrgoTouch ® treatment ?
Your doctor will tell you the cost of the UrgoTouch ® treatment during your consultation.
What are the contraindication ?
Only your surgeon can determine if the UrgoTouch ® procedure is suitable for you.
Can the laser be used on all skin types ?
The UrgoTouch ® laser can be used on all phototypes.
When is the laser used during the operation ?
The UrgoTouch ® laser is used after the suture at the end of the surgery.
Is there a risk ? Side effects ?
Certain undesirable non-specific events may occur, that have nothing to do with a laser, after any surgical intervention during which an incision of the cutaneous tegument is performed:
- Tumefaction, oedema, ecchymosis.
- Necrosis.
- Suture disunion.
- Surface or deep cutaneous infection.
- Pain, pruritus.
- Bleeding.
- Hypo-pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation of the scar.
- Healing anomalies from a unaesthetic scar to keloid scarring.
Some undesirable local events specific to the use of any non-ablative laser may also be observed:
- Oedema, due to vasodilatation induced by the thermal effect of the laser. This cures spontaneously within 2 to 3 days.
- Erythema, due to blood vessel vasodilatation induced by the thermal effect of the laser. This also cures spontaneously in less than 5 days.
- Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation, usually transient. Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation may be spontaneous in dark phototypes. It usually cures itself in a few weeks. Protection against sunlight is essential and lightening creams may be used if necessary.
How many patients have been treated with the laser ?
More than three thousands patients have already been treated with UrgoTouch ® so far.
Is the laser contraindicated for any skin type ?
There is no contraindication linked to the skin type.
What are the benefits of the laser ? Is it efficient ?
If healing remains an unpredictable process whose quality can in no way be guaranteed, the laser gives you every chance to have a more beautiful scar, thanks to the scar biomodulation it induces. It will not remove the undepredictable aspect and will not guarantee an invisible result.
The effectiveness of UrgoTouch ® is clinically proven thanks to a study carried out by the department of plastic surgery of Professor Casanova at the University Hospital of Marseille.
UrgoTouch ®
The treatment of the scar
How is the UrgoTouch ® laser treatment done ?
The doctor uses the laser on the scar area during the operation.
How long is the UrgoTouch ® treatment ?
The UrgoTouch ® treatment is very short, it is carried out in one session at the end of the surgery.
What is the evidence for the efficacy of the UrgoTouch ® treatment ?
The efficacy of UrgoTouch ® is clinically proven thanks to a study carried out by the department of plastic surgery of Professor Casanova at the University Hospital of Marseille.
Is there a risk ? Side effects ?
Certain undesirable non-specific events may occur, that have nothing to do with a laser, after any surgical intervention during which an incision of the cutaneous tegument is performed :
- Tumefaction, oedema, ecchymosis.
- Necrosis.
- Suture disunion.
- Surface or deep cutaneous infection.
- Pain, pruritus.
- Bleeding.
- Hypo-pigmentation or hyper-pigmentation of the scar.
- Healing anomalies from a unaesthetic scar to keloid scarring.
Some undesirable local events specific to the use of any non-ablative laser may also be observed :
- Oedema, due to vasodilatation induced by the thermal effect of the laser. This cures spontaneously within 2 to 3 days.
- Erythema, due to blood vessel vasodilatation induced by the thermal effect of the laser. This also cures spontaneously in less than 5 days.
- Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation, usually transient. Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation may be spontaneous in dark phototypes. It usually cures itself in a few weeks. Protection against sunlight is essential and lightening creams may be used if necessary.
Is the post-surgical scar care complicated ?
Scar care is not complicated but requires long-term compliance (following your doctor’s recommendation). This is true for wearing compressive clothing, applying dressings or massaging with a cream. Not to mention sun protection, which is essential for the first 6 months.
What marks does the laser leave on the skin ?
The laser will not leave lasting marks on the skin. Some undesirable local events specific to the use of any non-ablative laser may be observed:
- Oedema, due to vasodilatation induced by the thermal effect of the laser. This cures spontaneously within 2 to 3 days.
- Erythema, due to blood vessel vasodilatation induced by the thermal effect of the laser. This also cures spontaneously in less than 5 days.
- Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation, usually transient. Post-inflammatory hyper-pigmentation may be spontaneous in dark phototypes. It usually cures itself in a few weeks. Protection against sunlight is essential and using lightening creams may be used if necessary.
Is the laser treatment painful ?
The laser treatment will be done under anaesthesia because it will be part of your operation. You won’t feel anything.
UrgoTouch ®
The scar
Does the treatment remove the scar ?
If Healing remains a random process whose quality can in no way be guaranteed, the laser gives you every chance to have a more beautiful scar, thanks to the scar biomodulation it induces. It will not remove the random aspect and will not guarantee an invisible result.
How long is the scarring process ?
The scar evolves up to 18-24 months after the surgery. It may be longer in case of hypertrophic or keloid scarring.
Is the scar visible for life ?
The scar will remain visible for life. Urgotouch ® laser treatment gives you every chance to get the most beautiful scar, without making it invisible.
How long does it take for the scar to fade ?
The scar will be red, hard and puffy between 3 and 6 months, then will start to lighten and soften. The scar will take on its final appearance within 2 years.
What are the precautions to take care of the scar ?
If you smoke, it is important to stop completely at least 6 to 8 weeks before
surgery and for the following weeks.During the first weeks, avoid excessive movements that could pull or put pressure on the scar. Your surgeon will be able to prescribe you suitable undergarments, to support the skin properly. Moisturise with a little cream and massage the scar daily. Protect the scar from the sun for at least 6 months using clothing or protective cream (total sun block, SPF 50).What must be done to heal well ?
If you smoke, it is important to stop completely at least 6 to 8 weeks before
surgery and for the following weeks. During the first weeks, avoid excessive movements that could pull or put pressure on the scar. Your surgeon will be able to prescribe you suitable undergarments, to support the skin properly. Moisturise with a little cream and massage the scar daily. Protect the scar from the sun for at least 6 months using clothing or protective cream (total sun block, SPF 50).
UrgoTouch ®
Surgical operations
On what types of operations is the laser used ?
Only your surgeon can determine if the UrgoTouch ® procedure is appropriate for you.
What are the complications of cosmetic surgery ?
Any surgical operation involves risks (from general anaesthesia to post-operative complications, which are different depending on the type of intervention). Your surgeon will be in the best position to tell you about it, and will necessarily tell you about it before you decide to have the surgery.
Breast surgery: can I choose the shape of the scar ?
The surgical technique and the resulting scar will be discussed with your surgeon during the consultation, before the surgery. There are a set of criteria to take into account, such as your morphology, the features of your skin, your expectations in terms of shape, silhouette… and also the scar outcome, that could result from different surgical techniques.
UrgoTouch ®
Pre postoperative
What precautions should be taken and what information should be communicated to your doctor prior to your UrgoTouch ® treatment ?
Your doctor will ask you all the necessary questions to ensure your eligibility for the UrgoTouch ® treatment. This includes your medical history, current treatments, and previous dermatological conditions.
What are the precautions to be taken for the scar after the surgery ?
If you smoke, it is important to stop completely at least 6 to 8 weeks before surgery and for the following weeks. During the first weeks, avoid excessive movements that could pull or put pressure on the scar. Your surgeon will be able to prescribe you suitable undergarments, to support the skin properly. Moisturise with a little cream and massage the scar daily. Protect the scar from the sun for at least 6 months using clothing or protective cream (total sun block, SPF 50).
How to prepare for the operation ?
Simply by following the advice of your surgeon and the anaesthetist.