Arm lift or Brachioplasty
The skin under the arms naturally tends to loosen as they age. This effect can be accentuated following weight loss. The discomfort is essentially aesthetic (uneasiness to be sleeveless), it may be functional in cases of severe loosening.
Brachioplasty or arm lift will repair the sagging skin. The surgery involves scars that may be different for each patient. The results are very satisfactory but the scar is extensive.
The operation consists of removing fat and excess skin. The surgeon will make an incision from the armpit to the elbow, leaving a long scar. In very rare cases, the surgeon will make an incision only under the armpit, but the sagging skin must be restricted. UrgoTouch ® laser scar treatment can be performed following this operation in the operating room to optimize the scar result.
Learn more about the operation
- Performed under general anesthesia by a plastic surgeon
- Lasts between 1.5 and 2.5 hours
- The surgical procedure:
- Incision and detachment of the skin
- Removal of fat by liposuction
- Removal of excess skin
- Suture the incision
- UrgoTouch ® laser treatment possible after suturing
- 1 to 2 days of hospitalization
The scar is located on the inner surface of the arm and extends from the armpit to the elbow, sometimes lower depending on the sagging skin. In rare cases, it will be limited to the armpits.
This area is particularly sensitive for scars because it is an area of high tension.
To make it as invisible as possible, the surgeon will make the incision on the inner surface of the arm, making it invisible from the front or back.
- Rests for about 2 weeks is recommended
- A wound dressing is placed for 4 weeks
- Sports is not recommended within 2 months of the intervention
- Your surgeon will monitor the results of the operation and the progress of the healing process (duration to be defined with your surgeon)
- Final result between 3 and 6 months after post-operative edema has subsided
- The result of the scar is definitive between 18 and 24 months
For any information about the operation
Speak directly with your surgeon.
He/She will be able to answer your questions and reassure you.